Mother’s Day
May 13, 2013
Mother’s Day.
I think the thing that I dread the most is church. It’s because the moms are always recognized, and I don’t want to stand….but I don’t want to not stand…..I don’t like everyone watching me cry….I feel like I’m just ruining everyone else’s mother’s day. Sometimes I can do it. I just couldn’t do it this year. I don’t know why some years are harder than others. So I left the sanctuary. It makes me feel guilty because I wanted to sit with my mom for Mother’s Day.

I treasure my Mom. She is such an inspiration to me. I remember watching her study the Bible and pray when I was a little girl, and I watch her do that now. She reads the Bible completely through every year. She knows it so well. Who needs I can just ask my mom.
I wouldn’t have survived this last almost 9 years without her. She has prayed me through. She has given me the freedom to follow God, even though it meant letting me go back to Miami, OK alone those first few years after the accident. She has listened to me speak many times. She believes in me. And yesterday, right in the middle of the greeting time at church, she just held me while I cried.
That’s my momma.
I love her.
We are blessed to have such great moms. God bless your mom, my mom and you. Moms with a great calling. Moms with hearts for God.
You were on my heart and mind all day yesterday! Enjoying the day with my kids and so guilty and broken-hearted that you could not spend the day with yours. You are a mom! A wonderful mom! God gave you his precious Janessa and Jayden to watch over and care for. Although you only had them for 11 and 14 years you taught them to walk in the light and to follow Gods truth. They now live in heaven with him, but you are still a mom! They are a perfect example of “being the moon, by reflecting the SON!” Cry as you need to, praise as you need to, but always feel LOVED by others!!
What a wonderful letter, thank you for sharing…I’m sure many are like me…wondering how you’re really doing with it all. This helps give me insight. So glad you cherish your mother and can spend that kind of time with her.
I’m sure my mom would love to be able to be there for us that way, but, God has allowed such a debilitating stroke to keep that from happening. We miss daddy terribly…in one way I probably miss him more because I don’t have him to work alongside in the care of my mom, but in some ways I don’t think I’ve hardly had time and mental/emotional freedom to completely mourn him because of the pressures of her full-time care. It’s just constant. But I’m so grateful we’ve been able to manage her care….grateful for a husband who is completely supportive of all I need to do for her and for daddy while he was still here.
Love ya lots, please keep sharing….I’m sure it benefits so many others as it does me.
So sorry for your pain Lora. Praying for you – praying for continual comfort and strength. Thank you for your willingness to share your pain and your comfort with others. You are a blessing. God bless you! Much love, Jeri (friend of Jeromy and Jessica G.)
Love you Lora I was thinking of you on this day and I know this is a late comment but I know God has blessed me with having you in my life. You’ll always be my “God Momma” and don’t you forget it! 😀