J’s Cross Stitched Baby
August 11, 2018
The picture shows a baby sitting in a bowl chewing on the washrag. A pitcher sits beside her to use in her bath
August 11, 2018
The picture shows a baby sitting in a bowl chewing on the washrag. A pitcher sits beside her to use in her bath
Branson, MO
Liberal, KS
Newberg Christian Church
Newberg, OR
Women's Ministry Leader, Fellowship at Scofield Farms
Austin, TX
Outreach Director, Eagle Rock Retreat
Tallassee, TN
Secretary, Trinity Faith
Liberal, KS
First Southern Baptist
Great Bend, KS
Eureka Baptist Church Women's Ministry
Fayetteville, NC
First Baptist Church of Harvester
St. Charles, MO
Secretary, First Church of God
Elkhart, KS
Pastor, New Salem, SBC
Independence, MO
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