An ordinary woman with an extraordinary story


Linn Valley Community Church Women’s Retreat

Sep 6, 2019 - Sep 7, 2019, Kamp Keirsey, Amsterdam, MO

Linn Valley Community Church hosts an annual women’s retreat at Kamp Keirsey in Amsterdam, Missouri. I will be one of the speakers for the weekend event, August 6-7, 2019.

This retreat has it’s own facebook page. Follow the link, and there you will find regular updates on the retreat and registration information. I would like to share one of their beautiful posts with you concerning their retreat:

The vistages of winter are vanishing as the sunlight grows stronger and stays longer. The trees are budding, spring flowers are pushing through cold dirt. If you listen, you can hear the snow melt and seep into the ground. We walk outside and revel in the awe and wonder of the greening of grass, the smell of damp earth, the joyous sound of birds singing. Especially, after this particularly long, winter our soul is blessed by: the sounds of Tree frogs singing their happy rejoicing; Robins chirping their joyful song as they hop in yards; Crocus lift brave faces up to delight in the sun’s warming kisses; Daffodil and Narcissus are exuberant, bold splashes of yellow and orange, beauties that proudly proclaim marvelous are God’s works. Spring, in all its fleeting glory, is a perpetual whirlwind of visual, and auditory praising, worshiping in effervescent, adoration of God and his creations.

Spring gets us outside enjoying the many blessings of God’s creations all around us. When we pause and reflect upon the wonderous and amazing aspect of our own creation, how can we not also burst into praise?
Psalm 139:14
“I will praise You,
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Marvelous are Your works,
and I know this very well.”

Can any of us truly understand the marvelousness of how fearfully and wonderfully the different cells – that create tissues – that create organs – and the systems of our bodies – that ultimately make the uniqueness of each of us works? Maybe not, BUT, we can understand the FACT that “marvelous are your works…I know this very well.” And in awe and wonder we can praise God with effervescent adoration!!

The 19th annual Linn Valley Community Church Women’s Retreat will be:
“Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”
Sept. 6th and 7th, 2019.
At Kamp Keirsey, in Amsterdam, Mo.
Cost: $55 covers overnight accommodation & 3 meals.

We are praising God as he leads, guides and directs our planning committee. Speakers are being selected, music is being planned. An outpouring of prayers are being said for our future attendees – YOU? – for blessings to be pressed down and running over.

Mark you Calendars
More info and updates will be coming.