First Christian – winter pulpit supply
Jan 1, 2023 - Mar 19, 2023, Liberal, KS

920 N. Jordan, Liberal, KS
And all at once, it’s time to turn the page to a brand new year! I want to invite you to begin the new year worshipping with a group of believers. We need each other! Being together encourages our hearts, and helps our faith grow.
I will continue to speak at First Christian in 2023. The dates will vary according to other speaking and family commitments. You can watch here as I add dates for February. (I’ll try to keep my website updated better in 2023!) You are always welcome to send me a message to double check.
January 1 – The God of the Old Testament
January 15 – Samuel: You Can’t Outgive God
February 19 – Samuel: A Heart Like Samuel
February 26 – Samuel: Why Were We Defeated?
March 12 – Samuel and Saul: Don’t Stop Praying
March 19 – Samuel and Saul: To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice